
Category: Social Media

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Mastering Social Media: Strategies for Reaching a Wider Audience

In today’s digital age, social media has become a powerhouse for connecting with people, sharing content, and building communities. Whether you’re a business looking to promote your products or services, a content creator seeking to expand your reach, or an individual wanting to share your passions with the world, reaching...

Autumnal Season: SEO & Social Media Content Tips

As the leaves change colours and the air turns crisp, autumn offers a perfect opportunity for businesses to revamp their online presence with seasonal content. With a strategic blend of SEO and social media efforts, you can captivate your audience and boost your brand visibility during this cosy time of...
Digital Marketing through our phones
Instagram Threads

What Do We Know About Threads?

In the wake of new social media platforms and controversial new approaches, Meta has formed a new way to communicate with followers. Threads is a branch of Instagram, using the same data and information as you would expect to use within the picture-sharing app. Except the Threads branch is very...

How to Use Paid Social Ads to Boost Your Online Presence

In today’s digital landscape, businesses face fierce competition for online visibility. With social media platforms becoming increasingly crowded, organic reach alone is often not enough to achieve desired results. This is where paid social media advertising comes into play. By investing in paid social, businesses can strategically amplify their reach,...
paid social ads
Hello summer

Summer Content Marketing Ideas

As the sun shines much brighter, and the temperature begins to rise, summer brings about a fresh wave of opportunities for businesses to engage their audience with captivating content. With many seeking inspiration, entertainment, and useful information during this vibrant season, it is essential for marketers to adapt their strategies...

How To Get Noticed on Social Media

Social media is the place to be for all businesses who want to escalate their client base without added costs. However, it isn’t just a matter of relying on social media algorithms to do the work for you. In order to get your unique content seen and displayed on the...
social media video

5 Popular Content Marketing Types

When searching the world wide web, you will find that it is covered in different types of content. This form of marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to attract and engage their target audience. However, with so many different types of content available, it can be quite difficult to...

How to create TikTok content

Social media has been around for over 20 years, with there being constant changes due to the trends that come and go. Since the pandemic, video content has become more popular, with TikTok rising to the top of the charts. With millions of active users worldwide, this platform is known...
Instagram post

The Importance of Social Media Stories in Marketing

In the fast-paced world of social media, it’s becoming increasingly important for businesses to keep up with the latest trends in order to stay relevant and engage with their audience. One trend in particular that has taken off in recent years, is the use of social media stories for marketing. Every...

Social Media Content Ideas For Spring

As spring approaches, you will notice the days getting longer, the sun creeping its way out the clouds and heavy winter coats being packed away till next year. Spring is the season that brings about lots of change and is an excellent time to introduce fresh ideas to your marketing campaigns....
local seo

How Start A Business TikTok Account

Since the first lockdown, we’ve seen a frenzy of users join TikTok. It’s the fastest-growing social media platform and home to more than 1 billion monthly active users. However, it’s not for everyone. The majority of its users are between the ages of 18 and 34, so it’s the ideal...

Understanding The Instagram Algorithm

We all have that age-old question of what really is involved in the algorithms of social media, and how do they change? They feel as illusive as the Google algorithms from an SEO perspective, which will open up a whole new can of worms when you’re looking into ways to...
Instagram post

The Benefits Of Video Marketing For Your Business

There are many things that companies need to thrive. A unique service, strong leadership and so much more. However, in today’s world, businesses need to be exciting too. A good story allows viewers and customers alike to be influenced positively, leading to long-term contact. A great story can even make...

Our Guide to Influencer Marketing

As the world of marketing expands, it is quite evident how valuable a good influencer is. This style of marketing allows brands to gain reach in targeted audiences and can aid in boosting sales, generating leads and increasing brand awareness. Working with creators online who have an interactive audience means...
Instagram Mosseri 2021
Vector illustration of a person winning Instagram giveaway

Top Social Media Platforms Worldwide 2022

It can be agreed that social media has become popular in every crevice of technology, with millions of people having access to and using it every single day. However, with new apps popping up every day, it can be difficult to pinpoint which one is right for your business. Should...

How To Make Autumnal Social Media Content

With the streets being coloured in brown, orange, yellow and red leaves and a slight nip in the air, it is clear that Autumn has finally arrived. It is important to take advantage of the season to improve your social media platforms and reach a wider audience. This can be...
social media
Pumpkins in different colours drawn out digitally

How Halloween Culture has Influenced Social Media (and some ideas!)

It’s now the time for pumpkin spice lattes (or PSLs) and spooky storefronts. What really started over in the States, Halloween has taken over the UK by storm and has become a really popular time for people, more so than before. While it is an ancient Celtic celebration by nature,...

Top Tips On Writing A Great Blog Post | SEO

When it comes to writing a blog post, many believe that it only requires a topic and someone to type up their opinion on it. Whilst in some cases this may have some truth, there is a lot more to it when it comes to writing an effective post. In...
Instagram Marketing

Our Guide to Instagram Marketing

Globally, there are 1.21 billion Instagram accounts with 500 million of them being active every single day and 995 photos uploaded per second. These are huge numbers and for good reason too. Instagram is the largest photo and video sharing platform worldwide and has become known as one of the...

How to Perform Competitor Analysis for Social Media

We’re all aware of the power of social media. While it’s a channel to connect and stay up to date with customers, it plays a pretty big role in assisting conversions with as many as 80% of shoppers researching a product online before making their purchasing decisions. It provides a...
Magnifying Glass
Social Media this summer

How to Make Summery Social Media Content

Summer is well and truly here! Plenty of brands should be taking advantage of the sunnier months and what social media content they can post out during these months. But as there are a lot of different topics each year to explore, what do you prioritise your time on? Here...

5 Benefits of Social Media for Businesses

With the rise of social media starting in the early 2000’s, the world of technology, interaction and business has completely changed. Social media has essentially taken over a multitude of matters and has had some of the best impacts for businesses specifically. After the pandemic hit, almost everything we knew...
social media

Pinterest in 2022 – What’s Changed and Whether You Should Be on It

It’s been a while since we’ve covered Pinterest here on our blog. Since those days the platform has advanced a fair bit with the addition of a creator fund. With many shifting gears to growing platforms like Tik Tok, platforms like Pinterest have taken a back seat or have been...

How Brands Can Support Charitable Causes Through Social Media

Social media creates a space for brands to communicate with their customers. The platforms are great for building brand identity and reinforcing core company values. Something that means more to customers now than it has ever done before. Research conducted in 2020 found that value alignment is a key deciding...

Top Tips to Improve Your Instagram Presence in 2022

Not unlike Google Search, Instagram is always changing, which means you’ll probably need to update your strategy to keep up with trends. In fact, the social media landscape in general is continuing to evolve, with video content becoming ever more popular. Here are some top tips to help you make...

4 Ways the Digital Marketing Scene is Changing

From blockchain and NFTs, to the rise of ecommerce and swift deliveries. Here are some big changes happening in the digital marketing space and what businesses are going to have to do to prepare themselves for these big changes in the way we operate. 1. NFTs and Blockchain It’s something...
New business ideas emerge in a wave of digital marketing trends
Christmas preparation for your business

How to Optimise Your Business for Christmas

If you’re ready for Christmas, then you’ll know the stress involved in getting all the presents ready, planning your day accordingly, picking out the right food and making sure it’s all ready in time for the big day. For businesses it’s a whole other level of anxiety – planning for...

Top Tips for Creating Powerful Social Video

There is no escaping the latest TikTok dances and viral sounds of social media. The rise of social video has firmly glued our eyes to our phones. In 2020 it was reported that the average person spent a whopping 100 minutes of their day consuming video content and it comes...
social media video

5 Digital Marketing Tips to Improve Your Online Sales

If you run an eCommerce business (a company that sells goods and/or services online), you may be wondering how you can market your business to increase your sales. It’s certainly important to consider various tactics that can attract new customers and encourage existing customers to return, otherwise your profits will...
Vector illustration of a person winning Instagram giveaway

Pros & Cons of Instagram Giveaways

Giveaways are a great way to boost your followers and gain engagement on Instagram. If you spend a lot of time on Instagram then you will have come across many accounts running giveaways to promote new products and increase brand awareness. You may even see giveaways in your feed from...

5 Tips for Planning Social Media Content

Posting consistent, high quality content is the key to audience growth. But how do you stay on top of your social media strategy? Here are 5 tips for success…
vector image social media calendar
Instagram Hashtags

6 Tips for Using Instagram Hashtags

Knowing how to use hashtags effectively will help to expand your Instagram audience. When you use a hashtag, your post will appear in the search results for that hashtag on Instagram. Users can also follow hashtags, which means they could see your post in their feed even if they don’t...

Instagram Engagement – 7 Tips to Success

If you are looking for ways to get your Instagram engagement levels up, here are our 7 tips to success…   Create valuable content Ask yourself… What do your followers need help with? What is it about your business they are most interested in? What is your expert advice? Now...
instagram engagement
digital marketing 2021

6 Digital Marketing Tips for 2021

The global pandemic has undeniably had a huge impact on the majority of businesses throughout 2020, whether for better or for worse, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down just yet. So, how does that affect our digital marketing strategies in 2021? While we should always try and harness...

The benefits of Instagram’s SEO Update

Back in November Instagram announced that it would become more search-friendly and after their recent update you may have noticed a few of these changes. Now, simply by searching a particular keyword in Instagram’s search bar you will discover relevant profiles and posts without the need for hashtags. This is...
Instagram SEO Search update

What you need to know about Instagram Guides

Have you heard about Instagram’s new feature?  Guides are a brand new way for users to share helpful content on Instagram. Instagram Guides allows users to share recommendations on various topics in a simple, bite-size format. It is ideal for step-by-step guides, advice, and product recommendations. This hasn’t been rolled...
Free digital marketing tactics

3 FREE Digital Marketing Tactics for Small Businesses

An effective digital marketing strategy is crucial when it comes to the success of any small business. Here are three digital marketing tactics that are not only really easy to do yourself, but they are all completely free!

3 Trends To Help Plan Your Social Media Strategy

Whether you are putting together a new social media strategy for your business or updating an existing one, it is important to research current trends and successful industry content. Here are three social media trends you should know about in order to create a successful 2020 strategy… Dark Social Social...
social media strategy
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Understanding the EU Artificial Intelligence Act
The European Union has always been at the forefront of technological regulation and innovation, striving to balance the benefits of new technologies with the protection of fundamental rights. The EU Artificial Intelligence Act, proposed in April 2021, is a landmark regulation aimed at ensuring that AI technologies are safe, transparent,...
The Power of Rebranding: How It Could Impact Website Performance
In today’s dynamic digital landscape, businesses often find themselves at a crossroads where the need for rebranding arises. Whether it’s to reflect a change in company values, target a new audience, or stay relevant in a competitive market, rebranding can be a powerful tool for revitalising a brand’s identity. However,...
How Is A Website Crawled?
The vast and intricate web of the internet is held together by a meticulous process known as “web crawling.” This silent, behind-the-scenes operation ensures that search engines can provide users with relevant and timely information. But what exactly happens during a web crawl? How do search engines like Google, Bing,...