
Month: April 2015

Protein World: Brand Strategies That Sell

Protein World has made marketing headlines with a brand strategy that has been aligned with every value from integrity to gross moral turpitude. It started with this. This ad just got them a bomb threat. Yes, a bikini-clad woman stood against a glaring yellow background and the slogan ‘ARE YOU BEACH BODY...

Does Social Media Help with SEO?

This is a question clients ask us all the time; will the resources used to maintain their social presence provide results in SEO too? The short answer is ‘it depends’ – it depends on the platform, how you use it, and what Google is going to do in the next...

How to Justify App Development for Your Business

Your business needs to be mobile. It needs to be mobile-friendly, mobile-optimised, and ready for mobile conversions – how many times have you heard that in the last few months (if not years)? Last year we passed the mobile tipping point, and the internet officially saw more traffic from mobile devices...
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How To Master Your Content Marketing Strategy
Content marketing has become a cornerstone of successful brand strategies. However, mastering it requires more than just churning out blog posts or social media updates. It involves a thoughtful approach, meticulous planning, and continuous optimisation. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to master your content marketing strategy. Define Clear Goals...
How To Use Google Search Console To Your Advantage
In the realm of digital marketing and SEO, Google Search Console is an indispensable tool that offers a treasure trove of insights to enhance your website’s performance and visibility. Whether you’re a seasoned SEO expert or a beginner, understanding how to leverage Search Console can significantly impact your site’s search...
August 2024 Algorithm Updates: Have They Affected Your Website?
Key takeaways: A core algorithm update was rolled out in August 2024, lasting 19 days, one of the longest core updates to be released. Many websites are reporting usual fluctuations, while others are seeing huge drops in keyword performance and traffic. Google has provided support to those sites that aren’t...