
Category: content marketing

Web Crawling

How Is A Website Crawled?

The vast and intricate web of the internet is held together by a meticulous process known as “web crawling.” This silent, behind-the-scenes operation ensures that search engines can provide users with relevant and timely information. But what exactly happens during a web crawl? How do search engines like Google, Bing,...

Optimising Your Visual Presence: The Importance of Image SEO

Search engine optimisation has become a cornerstone strategy for businesses to enhance their online visibility and attract organic traffic. While much emphasis is placed on optimising text content, the importance of image SEO should not be overlooked. In today’s visually-driven online ecosystem, optimising images for search engines is essential for...
person search on the internet

How AI Can Improve Your SEO Strategy

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial to maintaining a competitive edge. Search Engine Optimisation is a cornerstone of any successful online marketing strategy, and in recent years, Artificial Intelligence has emerged as a powerful tool to enhance and streamline SEO efforts. From...

Quick Wins To Improve Existing Content

In the ever-evolving landscape of online content, the need for continuous improvement is paramount. Whether you’re a blogger, content marketer, or website owner, enhancing existing content can breathe new life into your digital presence, driving more traffic, engagement, and ultimately, conversions. But what if you don’t have the time for...
Content Design & Improvement
Sitemap structure

Why a Structured Sitemap is Important for Your Website

In the vast digital landscape of the internet, a website’s success hinges not only on its design and content but also on its underlying structure. One crucial element of this structure is the sitemap—a hierarchical representation of a website’s pages that serves as a roadmap for both users and search...

The Benefits of Learning to Code

In today’s digital age, learning to code has become increasingly valuable, transcending its status as a mere technical skill to become a powerful tool for personal and professional growth. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a curious beginner, delving into the world of coding can offer a multitude of benefits...
Toxic Links and Removal

How To Remove Toxic Links

In the world of search engine optimisation (SEO), link building is a vital component of improving website rankings and increasing organic traffic. However, not all links are created equal. Toxic links—those from spammy or low-quality websites—can harm your site’s reputation and rankings. Recognising and removing toxic links is essential for...

How Does A Google Algorithm Update Affect Your Website?

In the vast landscape of the internet, Google reigns supreme as the primary gateway for users seeking information, services, and products. With billions of searches conducted daily, the search engine giant continually refines its algorithms to deliver the most relevant and high-quality content to users. However, for website owners and...
Editorial Use Only - Google Algorithm Updates

The Importance of Regularly Updating Your Blog

Blogging has become an integral part of the online landscape, providing a platform for individuals and businesses to share their thoughts, expertise, and products with a global audience. While creating a blog is a significant step in establishing your online presence, the journey doesn’t end there. Regularly updating your blog...

Unveiling the Power of Local SEO: Why It’s Crucial for Your Business

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, businesses are continually exploring new strategies to stand out amidst fierce competition. One such strategy that has gained immense significance in recent years is Local SEO. While SEO has been a cornerstone for online visibility, the focus on local optimisation has become increasingly...
Why is Local SEO Important?
unique content

How To Curate User Generated Content

In the digital era, user-generated content (UGC) has become a driving force behind marketing strategies. Authentic, relatable, and diverse, UGC possesses a unique allure that traditional advertising struggles to match. From social media platforms to review sites and forums, consumers are actively engaging and creating content, offering valuable opportunities for...

How To Optimise Your Online Shop Listings

In today’s competitive e-commerce landscape, having an attractive and well-optimised online shop is essential for success. One key aspect of this is ensuring that your product listings are optimised to attract potential customers and convert them into buyers. From setting up a shop on eBay, to building your Amazon profile,...
Shop front; e-commerce
Google Analytics/GA4

Why Should I Use Google Analytics?

In today’s digital age, businesses and website owners have an unprecedented amount of data at their fingertips. This data is a goldmine of insights that can be used to enhance user experiences, optimise marketing strategies, and ultimately, drive growth. Among the many tools available, Google Analytics stands out as a...

A Guide To Understanding Canonical Links

In the intricate world of website optimisation and search engine rankings, understanding canonical links is essential. Often referred to as “canonical tags” or “rel=canonical,” these HTML elements play a crucial role in helping search engines understand the preferred version of a webpage. In this guide, we’ll unravel the mystery behind...
Canonical Links
2023 SEO Trends

How to Keep Ahead of Current SEO Trends

SEO is an ever-evolving field. As search engines constantly update their algorithms, staying ahead of current SEO trends is crucial for the success of your online presence. In this blog post, we’ll discuss effective strategies to help you keep up with the latest SEO trends and maintain a competitive edge...

A Comprehensive SEO Checklist for High Visibility on The SERP

SEO can seem like a mammoth exercise and it can be difficult to find a starting point. There are several areas you will need to work on to make sure that your site is structurally sound, readable for both visitors and search engines, and optimised for the competitive nature of...
SEO checklist
Web Development

5 Common Misconceptions About Creating a Website

A website for many businesses is a lifeline. It broadens the market you have access to, and to be quite frank your business will struggle in 2023 without one. That’s not just for businesses selling a physical product but for those of all natures. 81% of shoppers conduct online research...

How GA4 Can Help Your SEO Strategy

It is now the main Analytical tool of choice for website users, and Google has shifted everyone to using it when setting up their website, so how can we use its power? Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is an integral tool. Without it, we’re unable to locate the best users, work...
Google Analytics 4, GA4
Instagram Threads

What Do We Know About Threads?

In the wake of new social media platforms and controversial new approaches, Meta has formed a new way to communicate with followers. Threads is a branch of Instagram, using the same data and information as you would expect to use within the picture-sharing app. Except the Threads branch is very...

What Makes a User Friendly Site That Engages and Converts

Maybe we’ve gotten lazy with our searches, or have too many options to spend our time putting pieces together, but good UX (user experience) is vital for the success of any website. According to the statistics, visitors spend approximately 15 seconds before leaving if they cannot find what they are...
video marketing

How do Videos Help Your Marketing Strategy?

Having a good understanding of videos and what they can be used for helps a business grow in many different ways. For social media purposes, to helping customers understand more of a business’ aims, or to direct people to new features – whatever the reason for a video it can...

Top Tips for Generating Content Ideas and Understanding Your Niche

If you know anything about SEO, you will know that content plays a huge role in how well a site ranks. It helps sites build authority and tells search engines what you’re all about which can help you leverage higher ranking positions. Before you get to that step and can...
content ideas
Email marketing

What is Email Marketing?

While we often do market ourselves as the experts in SEO and content curation (which, if you are still interested in, can be explored here), but there are so many other strands to marketing that we can always assist with. One of these is email marketing. This is exactly what...

Summer Content Marketing Ideas

As the sun shines much brighter, and the temperature begins to rise, summer brings about a fresh wave of opportunities for businesses to engage their audience with captivating content. With many seeking inspiration, entertainment, and useful information during this vibrant season, it is essential for marketers to adapt their strategies...
Hello summer

What Is Content Amplification?

  Content’s king in SEO. It helps you build authority, leverage higher rankings, and bring more traffic to your site. Beyond creating great content, however, you must work on promotion and optimise it correctly as otherwise no one will know about it. This is a process that we call “content...

How to Build Your Ecommerce Presence

Most product owners and sellers will want to expand and diversify their business through a website – one of the most in-demand industries out there thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ordering online could not be easier in this climate, and it’s only growing more each year. To build a site...
Ecommerce for SEO
social media video

How To Get Noticed on Social Media

Social media is the place to be for all businesses who want to escalate their client base without added costs. However, it isn’t just a matter of relying on social media algorithms to do the work for you. In order to get your unique content seen and displayed on the...

Terms with Zero Search Volume – Should You Target Them?

When doing anything in marketing, we think of our audience and who our message has the potential to reach. It’s why in SEO we target terms with large search volumes and where we have the best chances of ranking. So, what about the terms that no-one’s searching for? Do we...
Keyword Research

What Impact Will ChatGPT Have On SEO?

ChatGPT is the latest in AI technology that can be used as an intelligent chat bot. In a lot of ways it can bring benefits to users in other areas, such as generating unique content and even for keyword research. It has be hailed as a great tool in terms...

5 Popular Content Marketing Types

When searching the world wide web, you will find that it is covered in different types of content. This form of marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to attract and engage their target audience. However, with so many different types of content available, it can be quite difficult to...
https status codes

HTTP Status Codes an SEO Should Know

In the broad and confusing world of technical SEO, there’s a lot of jargon to become familiar with. HTTPS status codes are a prime example of what you will need to know. While there are hundreds, here are a few important ones to note which can help you in understanding...

How to create TikTok content

Social media has been around for over 20 years, with there being constant changes due to the trends that come and go. Since the pandemic, video content has become more popular, with TikTok rising to the top of the charts. With millions of active users worldwide, this platform is known...

How to Start an SEO Campaign

If you’re a site owner that wants more from their site, SEO is an area to learn more about. It stands for search engine optimisation and is the process of increasing visibility on search engines like Google and Bing. In this blog post we share which tools you will need...

Understanding Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals are an overall assessment of what a site looks like and how it is judged by its users. Site speed, usability and performance are key ranking factors for Google, which is why they are so important to your overall website presence. Here, we break down what the...
Core Web Vitals
Google My Business

How to Run Paid Advertising through Your Google My Business Profile

PPC is a great way to bring in high-quality leads, gain exposure, and most importantly – maximise your sales. The nature of search and the data Google collects allows you to be specific with your targeting so you’re not just blowing your budget on any old clicks. If you’re not...

The Importance of Internal Links

Internal links are something that falls to the wayside for website owners, but they are actually a hugely valuable aspect of building a good strategy. An internal link is basically one link place on a page of your site that points to another page on your site. It’s building a...
internal links
Google Analytics

What Do These Different SEO Terms Mean?

With too many references, terms and jargon to navigate it can be an ordeal to find out just what you’re after. Many clients ask us what these terms exactly mean, and we want to make sure you have all the knowledge before going ahead with something. In the Analytics world...

How Start A Business TikTok Account

Since the first lockdown, we’ve seen a frenzy of users join TikTok. It’s the fastest-growing social media platform and home to more than 1 billion monthly active users. However, it’s not for everyone. The majority of its users are between the ages of 18 and 34, so it’s the ideal...
Instagram post

Understanding The Instagram Algorithm

We all have that age-old question of what really is involved in the algorithms of social media, and how do they change? They feel as illusive as the Google algorithms from an SEO perspective, which will open up a whole new can of worms when you’re looking into ways to...

How to Create a Mobile Friendly Website: Tools and Tips

“Mobile friendliness” as you know is increasingly important to consider when designing a website. As many as 60% of searches are made off a mobile device which makes optimising for smaller screens and those on the go vital. It’s also a ranking factor, meaning that if your site falls short...
mobile first sites
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Latest News
Understanding the EU Artificial Intelligence Act
The European Union has always been at the forefront of technological regulation and innovation, striving to balance the benefits of new technologies with the protection of fundamental rights. The EU Artificial Intelligence Act, proposed in April 2021, is a landmark regulation aimed at ensuring that AI technologies are safe, transparent,...
The Power of Rebranding: How It Could Impact Website Performance
In today’s dynamic digital landscape, businesses often find themselves at a crossroads where the need for rebranding arises. Whether it’s to reflect a change in company values, target a new audience, or stay relevant in a competitive market, rebranding can be a powerful tool for revitalising a brand’s identity. However,...
How Is A Website Crawled?
The vast and intricate web of the internet is held together by a meticulous process known as “web crawling.” This silent, behind-the-scenes operation ensures that search engines can provide users with relevant and timely information. But what exactly happens during a web crawl? How do search engines like Google, Bing,...