
Month: April 2023

Keyword Research

Terms with Zero Search Volume – Should You Target Them?

When doing anything in marketing, we think of our audience and who our message has the potential to reach. It’s why in SEO we target terms with large search volumes and where we have the best chances of ranking. So, what about the terms that no-one’s searching for? Do we...

What Impact Will ChatGPT Have On SEO?

ChatGPT is the latest in AI technology that can be used as an intelligent chat bot. In a lot of ways it can bring benefits to users in other areas, such as generating unique content and even for keyword research. It has be hailed as a great tool in terms...

5 Popular Content Marketing Types

When searching the world wide web, you will find that it is covered in different types of content. This form of marketing is a powerful tool for businesses to attract and engage their target audience. However, with so many different types of content available, it can be quite difficult to...

How to Drive Sales with Email Marketing

Email marketing has been a tried and tested digital marketing strategy for decades, and for good reason. With its unmatched ability to reach customers directly and personally, email marketing has consistently proven to be a highly effective channel for driving sales and boosting business growth. Below, we will explore the...
email marketing graphic
https status codes

HTTP Status Codes an SEO Should Know

In the broad and confusing world of technical SEO, there’s a lot of jargon to become familiar with. HTTPS status codes are a prime example of what you will need to know. While there are hundreds, here are a few important ones to note which can help you in understanding...
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Latest News
Understanding the EU Artificial Intelligence Act
The European Union has always been at the forefront of technological regulation and innovation, striving to balance the benefits of new technologies with the protection of fundamental rights. The EU Artificial Intelligence Act, proposed in April 2021, is a landmark regulation aimed at ensuring that AI technologies are safe, transparent,...
The Power of Rebranding: How It Could Impact Website Performance
In today’s dynamic digital landscape, businesses often find themselves at a crossroads where the need for rebranding arises. Whether it’s to reflect a change in company values, target a new audience, or stay relevant in a competitive market, rebranding can be a powerful tool for revitalising a brand’s identity. However,...
How Is A Website Crawled?
The vast and intricate web of the internet is held together by a meticulous process known as “web crawling.” This silent, behind-the-scenes operation ensures that search engines can provide users with relevant and timely information. But what exactly happens during a web crawl? How do search engines like Google, Bing,...