Content Marketing

Content marketing involves creating and broadcasting useful, high-quality content to attract potential customers to your site. Creating free content and distributing it on a regular basis can attract visitors and convert prospects by showcasing your expertise and addressing your demographics’ ‘pain points’, (or the problem you are solving for customers). In short, you use content to build your reputation and draw traffic to your site.


invest in your website - fresh content is king


Content marketing is inseparable from SEO; it is practically impossible to rank without quality content on your site. Every post and page you add to your site is a new opportunity to appear in the search results; websites with blogs have 434% more indexed pages than sites without them. These pages are more likely to gain links, and help to maintain rankings due to fresh content.


A good content strategy forms the foundation for practically every form of digital marketing, including PPC, SEO, and social media. Companies that invest in content marketing see measurable improvements very quickly, especially when they have an existing social media audience who are receptive to their content.

  • 80% of decision makers prefer content to advertising
  • 61% of consumers are more likely to buy from companies that create custom content
  • 50% of online consumer time is spent engaging with custom content
  • Average conversion rates are 2.4% higher for sites with good content

The importance of quality content can’t be overstated – your visitor engagement, conversions, return visits, and even your shares depend on the quality and ‘stickiness’ of your online information.


Pretty much any online content is content marketing. Most sites feature a blog with information on it, while others take content marketing further with infographics, podcasts, videos, e-books, and motion graphics (to name a few options). Your approach is dictated by your audience and your brand – while an e-book may not always be appropriate, a short video or infographic could help clients in the research stage of the sales funnel.


We offer copywriting, infographic design, and video production services, as well as digital strategy. Our team works with your in-house resources to make sure that you make the most of your budget and the skills of your team. We can create content for you, but it’s best to assign a contact within your company to provide information which will blend your distinct knowledge of, and approach to the industry with our digital marketing expertise.

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