Google Analytics

Measurement & Analytics

At Innermedia we have developed and launched thousands of websites, and host hundreds. Within 6 months of the launch of Google Analytics GA4, we carried out over 200 successful GA4 solutions using Google Manager, Data Studio, Google Optimise and Google Ads.


drive data-led decisions, measure ROI with usable analytics


Our Digital Analytics team helps our customers gain valuable insights from website visitors, customers and online marketing efforts. We deploy useful measurement solutions from the installation of basic marketing tags, to complex multi-site user journey reporting to gain the most from your digital investment.

Launching your new website is an exciting endeavour – showing the world your brand through video, useful information and scroll stopping content is great and in today’s world a necessity for any organisation.

But how do you know your content is effective? Is your website meeting its objectives and how will you demonstrate an actual Return on Investment?

Digital Analytics Made Simple

At Innermedia we take on the complexities of the tagging and reporting work required to tell data-led stories from your digital properties.

Using tools like Google Analytics. 4.0 (GA4), Google Tag Manager, Google Data Studio and Google Optimise, combined with an array or 3rd party and in-house bespoke measuring tools, we remove the guess work in answering questions that simply tracking conversions cannot give.

Questions we answer with data every day include:

  • Is my website tracking visitor data correctly?
  • What journey do my users take before they convert into a lead or sale?
  • How can I use my data to reduce my digital marketing spend?
  • Am I getting the right prospects to my website?
  • Are my Digital Campaigns effective in creating immediate conversions?
  • Are my Digital Campaigns effective in driving longer term prospects?
  • Was the investment in video content worth it – are my videos driving conversions?
  • How can I justify or measure campaigns designed to increase awareness?

Adhoc Consulting & Training

Digital Analytics requires technical marketing knowledge and experience. It requires understanding how your website is setup to code level so effective events can be measured, along with a balance of creative  commercial marketing  experience.

If you have the team, but limited in capacity or capability, we can help by providing one off consulting engagements starting from 1 hour training sessions to monthly retainer packages to cover all aspects of your website analytics. This could include integrating your CRM package, installing and configuring your Facebook Pixel, to setting your measurement strategy across all your digital campaigns, to implementing GDPR compliant tagging solutions.

Measurement Services

“The Only Constant in Life Is Change.” 

The digital landscape is always changing. This time next month your website will probably have lots of new forms, new products or a new feature which will require an update to your Google Analytics property or a new CRM tag to be installed on your website.

Our experienced technical marketers can be on hand to troubleshoot, advise or update your strategy to accommodate whatever future changes your website requires

  • GDPR Compliance – Effective and automated compliance and scanning
  • Social Media Pixels – Troubleshooting and Set-up for Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter
  • Google Marketing Platform – GA4, A/B Testing to Google Ads Set-up
  • Custom Reporting & Dashboards – Report on data from multiple sources with effective real-time reporting
  • Audits and Training – Technical and Marketing audits to identify problems or to advise on improvements
  • Retainer for Consulting – Monthly maintenance and consulting on all website measurement

Google Analytics Audits

You’ll be surprised how many Google Analytics are recording incorrect data due to a poor tracking implementation. Duplicate tracking code implementations, multiple GTM containers, or pixels firing to the wrong Facebook account. The first step in using Analytics for Data Driven Decisions is to ensure a technically sound implementation.

Our audits will not only provide you a bespoke recommendation to remove/fix your marketing tags to ensure accurate analytics, but help you make sense of the data you collect.

Google Marketing Platform

At Innermedia we have developed and launched thousands of websites, and host hundreds. Within 6 months of the launch of Google Analytics GA4, we carried out over 200 GA4 solutions using Google Manager, Data Studio, Google Optimise and Google Ads.

We can help with the following Google Marketing Platform services

  • Google Ads Conversion Tracking  – accurately measure all conversions with the right attribution model
  • Google Analytics – Set-up and customisation in line with how you need it, set to best practice
  • Google Tag Manager – Implement new marketing tags for CRM, marketing or Social
  • Google Optimise – A/B and Multivariate testing for new content
  • Google Data Studio – Data stories and Custom Dashboards for all your digital analytics

Contact us today to find out more about how we can help you with your Digital Analytics Measurements and Reporting.

Lets Get Started Contact Us
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