
Month: February 2023

Google My Business

How to Run Paid Advertising through Your Google My Business Profile

PPC is a great way to bring in high-quality leads, gain exposure, and most importantly – maximise your sales. The nature of search and the data Google collects allows you to be specific with your targeting so you’re not just blowing your budget on any old clicks. If you’re not...

The Importance of Internal Links

Internal links are something that falls to the wayside for website owners, but they are actually a hugely valuable aspect of building a good strategy. An internal link is basically one link place on a page of your site that points to another page on your site. It’s building a...
internal links
video marketing

The Benefits of Video Banners on Your Website

As your homepage is usually the first page of your website that your prospective clients/customers will see, it’s important for you to make a lasting impression. That’s why you should invest some time into it, because doing so will allow you to communicate your values, expertise, and brand credibility. One...

Social Media Content Ideas For Spring

As spring approaches, you will notice the days getting longer, the sun creeping its way out the clouds and heavy winter coats being packed away till next year. Spring is the season that brings about lots of change and is an excellent time to introduce fresh ideas to your marketing campaigns....
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Latest News
Understanding the EU Artificial Intelligence Act
The European Union has always been at the forefront of technological regulation and innovation, striving to balance the benefits of new technologies with the protection of fundamental rights. The EU Artificial Intelligence Act, proposed in April 2021, is a landmark regulation aimed at ensuring that AI technologies are safe, transparent,...
The Power of Rebranding: How It Could Impact Website Performance
In today’s dynamic digital landscape, businesses often find themselves at a crossroads where the need for rebranding arises. Whether it’s to reflect a change in company values, target a new audience, or stay relevant in a competitive market, rebranding can be a powerful tool for revitalising a brand’s identity. However,...
How Is A Website Crawled?
The vast and intricate web of the internet is held together by a meticulous process known as “web crawling.” This silent, behind-the-scenes operation ensures that search engines can provide users with relevant and timely information. But what exactly happens during a web crawl? How do search engines like Google, Bing,...