
Category: PPC – Paid Advertising

Paid Search Ads

Understanding Negative Keywords in Paid Search

In the world of digital marketing, paid search advertising is a powerful tool for driving targeted traffic to your website and reaching potential customers. However, optimising your paid search campaigns requires more than just selecting the right keywords—it also involves understanding the concept of negative keywords. Negative keywords play a...

Mastering Full-Funnel PPC: A Guide to Driving Conversions

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising is a powerful digital marketing strategy that allows businesses to reach their target audience and drive conversions effectively. While many marketers focus on driving immediate sales with PPC campaigns, adopting a full-funnel approach can unlock even greater potential by targeting users at every stage of the buyer’s...
pay per click (PPC)
Google Ads

Mastering the Art of Google Ads Optimisation: A Step-by-Step Guide

Google Ads, formerly known as Google AdWords, is a powerful digital advertising platform that can drive traffic, leads, and sales to your business. However, simply creating ads and campaigns isn’t enough; optimisation is the key to achieving the best results. Read on for some tips. 1. Keyword Refinement One of...

A Comprehensive Guide to Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising is a dynamic and results-driven approach that has revolutionised the way businesses promote their products and services online. Understanding PPC Advertising Pay-Per-Click advertising is a digital marketing model where advertisers pay a fee each time their ad is clicked. It’s a highly targeted form of advertising that...
pay per click

Harnessing SERP Features: A Comprehensive Guide to Boost Your Online Presence

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the competition is a constant challenge. With search engines continuously evolving their algorithms and user preferences changing, it’s crucial for businesses and website owners to adapt their strategies. One powerful approach that has gained significant importance is harnessing SERP (Search...

How to Use Paid Social Ads to Boost Your Online Presence

In today’s digital landscape, businesses face fierce competition for online visibility. With social media platforms becoming increasingly crowded, organic reach alone is often not enough to achieve desired results. This is where paid social media advertising comes into play. By investing in paid social, businesses can strategically amplify their reach,...
paid social ads

How Do SEO and PCC Work Together?

SEO and PPC are two critical components of digital marketing. Both are essential for driving traffic to a website, increasing brand awareness, and generating leads and sales. While SEO focuses on organic search traffic, PPC involves paid advertising to target specific audiences. Many marketers wonder if they should focus on...

How to Run Paid Advertising through Your Google My Business Profile

PPC is a great way to bring in high-quality leads, gain exposure, and most importantly – maximise your sales. The nature of search and the data Google collects allows you to be specific with your targeting so you’re not just blowing your budget on any old clicks. If you’re not...
Google My Business
Google Analytics

What Do These Different SEO Terms Mean?

With too many references, terms and jargon to navigate it can be an ordeal to find out just what you’re after. Many clients ask us what these terms exactly mean, and we want to make sure you have all the knowledge before going ahead with something. In the Analytics world...

Facebook Ad Ideas to Generate You Leads and Sales

Facebook, despite the negative press it gets, still has lots to offer from a marketing perspective. It remains one of the most popular sites on the internet, sitting behind Google in 3rd place. For larger businesses, it also offers scalability. With its user base sitting at 2.912 billion worldwide, businesses...
Facebook Ads

5 Digital Marketing Tips to Improve Your Online Sales

If you run an eCommerce business (a company that sells goods and/or services online), you may be wondering how you can market your business to increase your sales. It’s certainly important to consider various tactics that can attract new customers and encourage existing customers to return, otherwise your profits will...

PPC for Non-Profit Organisations

Nowadays, particularly in light of the global pandemic, charities have struggled to appeal for face-to-face donations and have had to adapt to new methods of marketing. Lots of non-profit organisations can actually benefit significantly from PPC marketing. As a non-profit organisation, you may shy away from pay-per-click marketing for the...
digital marketing 2021

6 Digital Marketing Tips for 2021

The global pandemic has undeniably had a huge impact on the majority of businesses throughout 2020, whether for better or for worse, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down just yet. So, how does that affect our digital marketing strategies in 2021? While we should always try and harness...

Digital Marketing For Schools: Tips for Success

Independent schools are businesses and attracting admissions is as important as an electrician finding clients or a clothes store drawing in customers. Fortunately, there are lots of online marketing methods you can adopt to help you target a specific audience in a measurable way, without relying on traditional strategies like...
Making yourself known online as a private school
Google Ads

New Fees for Google Advertisers in UK, Austria and Turkey

A new Digital Services Tax (DST) is being imposed in Europe as part of the Government’s attempt to get big tech giants to pay more to the exchequer. However, Google have decided to pass this tax onto advertisers in the UK, Austria and Turkey, from the 1st of November 20202....

Paid Advertising Trends for 2020

As Paid Advertising is always changing, so do new features and developments in the industry. It is crucially important for all PPC Marketers to stay up to the date with upcoming trends so we can make sure we’re getting the best out of our clients campaigns, and so that we’re...
PPC trends

Less Than Half Of Google Searches Result In A Click

In June of 2019, for the first time ever, a majority of all browser based searches on Google resulted in zero clicks. First of all, what does that mean? More people are going to Google and doing more searches but less people are clicking on results. Google is now presenting...

Why Should Schools Use Paid Advertising?

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising is the process of directing traffic to your school website through paid advertisements that appear on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS) where the advertiser only pays once a user has clicked on the advert. Paid Advertising has quickly become the marketing channel of choice for many businesses...
Pay Per Click for Schools
google ads

Google Ads Updates In July

Google rolled out 7 new updates in July and in this post we’ll explain what’s been happening and what it means for PPC marketers. Google Ads Editor v1.1 This update will create some efficiencies that we haven’t seen before. We’ll be able to find our images more quickly, keep existing...

What is Search Intent for SEO?

If you own a website and you want people to buy your products, revisit your website or sign up to your newsletter, you’ll need to properly understand their search intent. Simply put, search intent is the reason why people are conducting a particular search. Is it because they want to...
search intent

Google Is Removing Average Position

Last month Google announced they are getting rid of the Average Position metric. This ties directly into the November announcement of the Impression (Absolute Top) % and Impression (Top) % which describe what percent of your ads appear at the top of the page and the absolute top of the...

Facebook Tests Search Ads

Facebook has begun testing Search Ads in the US and Canada for automotive, retail and e-commerce businesses. In this article we will look at how they work, and can they compete with Google? Facebook first tried this in 2012 but had quickly shut it down by 2013. Now, for select...
facebook ads
amazon logo

Get Started with Amazon Advertising

With almost 500 million products listed on Amazon, it can be hard to get yours noticed organically. Fortunately, Amazon is continuing to make dents in the market and offers a completely viable option as an advertising platform. At the end of 2018, Amazon was making up around 50% of the...

2018 PPC Statistics & 2019 Predictions

As we close out 2018 we can now reflect on what was a huge year for Pay Per Click advertising. Starting at Google, there were massive changes as they rebranded AdWords to Google Ads and launched the new interface. They also launched many new campaign types, targeting options, tools and...

Google’s New Ad Positioning Metrics

In November of this year, Google released four new search ad position metrics. They’re being rolled out to account any time now so don’t worry if they’re not available in yours yet, they will be soon. Here we will discuss and explain the new metrics and how you can adjust...

Where Else Can I Advertise?

When people think of doing paid advertising, their first thought is often Google but we want to explore other avenues for our advertising efforts. It is no secret that the Market Share of Google has been dropping, on the whole, since May 2015. The image below, provided by indicates...

How to Keep Track of Your Competitors’ Popularity

In this post we are going to explain how you can uncover which brands and products are most popular and whether they are trending up or down so we can keep a close eye on our competitors. On the 16th of October, Google released a new version of their Shopping...
PPC Bidding

Should I Bid On My Own Brand?

Many advertisers have definitely bought into the practice of bidding on search terms that include a brand name, but often we will see clients question the validity of this. They ask, and fairly so, what’s the point if I’m going to show up anyway? That is the question as Paid...

A/B Testing For PPC

Pay Per Click advertising is often a crucial channel towards an online marketing campaign and in turn, can be one of the most expensive. Because of this, it becomes vital to keep testing your ads to make sure you are getting the most return on your spend, and not leaving...
A/B Testing

What is Attribution Modelling and Why Does it Matter?

As a performance marketer you are likely to be judged and measured on the success of your campaigns in terms of revenue delivered. Because of this, you need to know the answer to this question for when the directors come calling: Are your campaigns driving revenue? Of course, if you...

3 Pro Tips for Keyword Research

Today we are going to give you three top tips for getting the best out of your keyword research. These are tricks that we use to help us find you the best keyword for your business that can be done by anyone. Google Keyword Planner: This is usually where most...

Bid modifiers you should be using in your campaigns

Once you have set up and started seeing some success in your campaigns, your first thought  was probably “I want more of that”. And that’s completely logical. Fortunately for us, Google Ads provides us enough data so we can understand what types of keywords are performing the best, on which...

How to Improve Your Retargeting Strategy This Year

Retargeting is a marketing tactic used to convert visitors to your site who haven’t yet purchased from you. You can see which pages users are visiting to determine which products they were looking at and then show them a customised advert to try and get them back to buy. Here...

How to Get the Most Out of Google Shopping

The Google Shopping unit has been growing exponentially over the past few years and it shows no sign of slowing down. As of Q1 2018, Google Shopping Ads are driving 82% of retail search ad spend in the UK. According to Adthena, the 82% of retail ad spend in Google...

How to Get the Most Out of Google AdWords

If you’re considering creating a PPC campaign on Google and unsure where and how to start, it’s important to know how to get the most from your AdWords account.  In one of our previous PPC-related post, we talked about the most common mistakes people are making and now we are...

10 Tips to Help You Write Better Ad Copy

If you’ve been involved in PPC advertising for any length of time, you’ll know that the advert copy plays a crucial role in determining the success or failure of a campaign. Even if you have mastered bid strategies, got a great keyword set and a beautiful landing page it can...

What is a Quality Score and How to Improve It?

Quality score is a metric tracked in Google AdWords that gives each of the keywords in your account a score out of 10. It determines whether your advert is eligible to be shown in the sponsored space of the search results and how much you’ll pay for each click. It...

What is Retargeting?

In a nutshell, retargeting is an advertising strategy where you put your adverts in front of people who have visited your website, but then clicked away and gone on to other websites. It enables us to target people who have shown an interest in products or specific pages yet they...

12 Common PPC Mistakes

If you’re running the PPC account for your business, it is likely you have invested a lot of time and money into setting up and managing your campaigns. So what happens when you aren’t getting the desired results from your efforts? The chances are you’re making some simple mistakes, mistakes...
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The Power of Rebranding: How It Could Impact Website Performance
In today’s dynamic digital landscape, businesses often find themselves at a crossroads where the need for rebranding arises. Whether it’s to reflect a change in company values, target a new audience, or stay relevant in a competitive market, rebranding can be a powerful tool for revitalising a brand’s identity. However,...
How Is A Website Crawled?
The vast and intricate web of the internet is held together by a meticulous process known as “web crawling.” This silent, behind-the-scenes operation ensures that search engines can provide users with relevant and timely information. But what exactly happens during a web crawl? How do search engines like Google, Bing,...