
Month: January 2023

Google Analytics

What Do These Different SEO Terms Mean?

With too many references, terms and jargon to navigate it can be an ordeal to find out just what you’re after. Many clients ask us what these terms exactly mean, and we want to make sure you have all the knowledge before going ahead with something. In the Analytics world...

How Start A Business TikTok Account

Since the first lockdown, we’ve seen a frenzy of users join TikTok. It’s the fastest-growing social media platform and home to more than 1 billion monthly active users. However, it’s not for everyone. The majority of its users are between the ages of 18 and 34, so it’s the ideal...

The Importance Of Fast Loading Websites

Website speed aids to the first impression for a visitor of a business. Whilst most website developers work on making the platform aesthetically pleasing, with a number of features that make it stand out, if not optimised well, it can negatively affect website speed. Fast-loading sites are crucial for SEO...

SEO: Why We Can’t Promise Specific Results Within a Given Timeframe

Sometimes prospective clients ask things like, “When will I be on the first page of Google?” or “What do you predict the progress will be in the next three months?”. While these seem like reasonable questions for someone who is about to invest their money, unfortunately it’s impossible to determine...
Instagram post

Understanding The Instagram Algorithm

We all have that age-old question of what really is involved in the algorithms of social media, and how do they change? They feel as illusive as the Google algorithms from an SEO perspective, which will open up a whole new can of worms when you’re looking into ways to...

How to Create a Mobile Friendly Website: Tools and Tips

“Mobile friendliness” as you know is increasingly important to consider when designing a website. As many as 60% of searches are made off a mobile device which makes optimising for smaller screens and those on the go vital. It’s also a ranking factor, meaning that if your site falls short...
mobile first sites
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Understanding the EU Artificial Intelligence Act
The European Union has always been at the forefront of technological regulation and innovation, striving to balance the benefits of new technologies with the protection of fundamental rights. The EU Artificial Intelligence Act, proposed in April 2021, is a landmark regulation aimed at ensuring that AI technologies are safe, transparent,...
The Power of Rebranding: How It Could Impact Website Performance
In today’s dynamic digital landscape, businesses often find themselves at a crossroads where the need for rebranding arises. Whether it’s to reflect a change in company values, target a new audience, or stay relevant in a competitive market, rebranding can be a powerful tool for revitalising a brand’s identity. However,...
How Is A Website Crawled?
The vast and intricate web of the internet is held together by a meticulous process known as “web crawling.” This silent, behind-the-scenes operation ensures that search engines can provide users with relevant and timely information. But what exactly happens during a web crawl? How do search engines like Google, Bing,...