Pope Benedict XVI tweeted for the first time yesterday, Wednesday 12th of December to over 1 million followers on the 140 characters or less social networking site. The tweet can be read below and as of this morning has already been retweeted over 56,000 times and a video of the...
Our social spotlight this week is going to focus on the social discovery site StumbleUpon. StumbleUpon is not your usual social network, you do not post ‘status updates’ or share pictures, instead StumbleUpon is all about discovery of a different kind. Simple in theory, StumbleUpon helps its users explore new...
With Google Plus changing its brand pages (once again) this month, it’s been hard not to take note of how much Google want their social network to work. Google Plus (or +) hasn’t taken off the way many industry experts had imagined but, on paper, Google Plus has some exciting...