Protein World has made marketing headlines with a brand strategy that has been aligned with every value from integrity to gross moral turpitude. It started with this. This ad just got them a bomb threat. Yes, a bikini-clad woman stood against a glaring yellow background and the slogan ‘ARE YOU BEACH BODY...
Personalisation marketing customises products, services and communications for potential consumers. This is done in a variety of intelligent ways from measuring need to fulfilling it via advertising, friendliness and the latest technology. Personalisation has always helped to fuel sales. Successful shopkeepers know to remember their customers’ names, welcome them back...
More than ever, SEO needs to be ethical, intelligent, and robust. This article discusses SEO errors that are vital to avoid in 2015. The best reason to avoid SEO errors is the most obvious one: to prevent manual and algorithmic penalties. Google can take up to 9 months to...
29 Reasons Why You Need Content Marketing Content is arguably the most important part of your site – it’s why people come to your page, and if you don’t deliver what they expect they’ll just leave and find it elsewhere. Even if you rely on PPC and other lead generation...
YouGov have recently created a free APP which provides the demographic profiles of 190,000 YouGov members. This tool will help businesses get to know about their target audiences, and design specific media campaigns accordingly. Though it doesn’t show the average member, it demonstrates peculiarities of target age groups within each...