
SEO Trends to Look Out for in 2022

SEO trends
6th December 2021

As you’re probably well aware by now, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is critical for businesses who want to attract potential consumers to their website. However, SEO is continually changing and it’s really important that you stay up to date with the latest trends if you want to ensure that your strategies are effective. Unfortunately, if you rely on tactics you employed many moons ago, you might be making matters worse rather than increasing your keyword rankings and drawing people to your site. With a New Year rapidly approaching, there’s no better time to make some changes, so here are some SEO trends to consider…


Online video platforms have exploded recently so it’s important to consider ways in which you can keep up with this trend so that you don’t get lost in the crowd. Creating optimised video content for your website is one fantastic way to engage your website visitors and demonstrate more of what your brand has to offer. Lots of schools, for instance, are using video tours to showcase what student life is like or share their Headteacher’s Welcome Speech.

Page Speed

Lots of users like to access the internet on the go, so it’s important for websites to have fast loading times. With the recent launch of Google’s Core Web Vitals as a ranking factor, it’s absolutely crucial that users can access the information they need without having to wait for elements on the page to load. This could be anything from a product they’re hoping to buy to an answer to a question they’ve inputted into Google.

Quality Content

It can be difficult to understand what is meant by the term “quality content”, but it’s certainly something you should try and focus on in 2022 if you haven’t already. When writing content for your website, perhaps try and fulfil Google’s EAT principle, which stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. It might also be worth auditing your existing content to see if you can revive it and make it relevant for 2022.

Search Intent

Understanding a user’s intent when searching online has been important for several years but will remain crucial in 2022. People tend to conduct searches because they are looking for something specific. So, try and understand your target audience and conduct your own search so that you can see what kind of content is currently ranking for your keywords. This should help you come up with your own ideas.

If you’re unsure of where to start when it comes to your Google rankings and SEO in general, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We have a fantastic team of experts who would be more than happy to take a look at your existing website and recommend some ways you could potentially improve it so that it provides a positive experience for your users, while also ranking well in the Google SERP.

Lets Get Started Contact Us
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