
3 Top Tips for Choosing the Perfect Business Domain Name

25th July 2018

Making a great first impression starts with the name of your brand. It has to be something that catches people’s attention and is memorable. Your name in the online world is just as important as offline, so it’s extremely important to do your homework and make a choice that you’re happy with. If you’re unsure where to start, here are some top tips to help you make a decision when it comes to your brand and domain name.

1. Use a suggestion tool

You might have a fantastic business brain but sometimes your creative side takes a while to come out of it’s shell. To overcome the challenge of deciding on a domain name, why not consider using a suggestion tool? There are plenty available on the web that are quick and easy to use and can help you with some brainstorming. After all, you want something unique that can stand out amongst a handful of competitors!

2. Consider your long-term goals

The decisions you make at the beginning can potentially limit you in the future. Don’t just settle on a domain name during the excitement of setting up a new business. Instead, think about your long-term goals. For example, if you’re planning to expand your business overseas, don’t choose a localised domain name; i.e. includes the name of a city.

3. Register your domain name as soon as possible

Even if your business is in it’s early stages and you’re not entirely certain of the direction, as soon as you come up with a winning domain name it’s worth registering it as soon as you can; even before you register the business itself. That way you’ll know that someone else can’t get their hands on it first, which would really throw a spanner into the works! It will be ready, waiting for you, until it’s time to get a website up and running.

The choices you make online can really influence the success of your business, so think carefully and make your decisions wisely. If you have any questions about the importance of your domain name or anything else regarding your website, don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01707 875 721!



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