Exponential Rise In Business and Personal Internet Use.
For years statisticians have supplied us with an on-going stream of figures showing us precise details of consumer usage covering a multitude of subjects ranging from specific food sales, TV viewing figures and sport to what is rapidly becoming one of the most popular subjects for these studies, internet usage and website ownership figures.
We have listed some of the most interesting and informative statistics recorded in 2012 below…
– 2.2 billion Email users worldwide.
– 2.7 billion LIKES on Facebook EVERY DAY.
– 175 million Tweets sent every day.
– Google`s +1 button was used 5 billion times a day.
– 1.3 billion Smart Phones in use globally by the end of the year.
– 4 billion hours of video was being watched on YouTube every month.
– 7 Petabytes (7.881e+15 bytes – 7168 Terabytes) of photographs added to Facebook every month.
– 246 million domain name registrations.
– 634 million websites in use with 51 million being added to the web every year.
Unless you have been living on the moon for the last 20 years you will be fully aware that the internet and all of its many applications are not only the way forward for business and personal progression, but have actually become an integral part of our everyday lives that many of us could simply not live without.
Just think, how would you cope without the use of your mobile phone, email, online social networking or your business website for just one week? Exactly!
Intelligent business owners have grasped this technology and are increasingly turning it to their advantage with the help of professional website design and promotion companies like us.
If you want your business to stay ahead of the game, utilize the power of the web and embrace its incredible potential for your business contact us.