Jafor Abu


Like Laura, Jaf is an excellent graphic designer! As well as beautiful websites, Jaf designs social media graphics, business cards, logos, stationery, prospectuses, apps, billboards, GIFs… the list goes on…

What do you bring to Innermedia?

Friendly personality, daily fun facts and most importantly my mother’s curry for the crew 🙂

What’s your favourite thing about working at Innermedia?

The positive atmosphere that the crew brings and there is always snacks available

What do you do when you’re not at work?

Spending time with the family, gym time, long walks with my sliders, eating out.

What’s your favourite Innermedia moment?

When the pizza comes in every month (let’s carry this on please)

What’s your favourite song?

Don’t really have one, depends on what mood I’m in, but am a big fan of film scores.

What’s something we don’t know about you?

Like watching Egyptian, space and earth documentaries.

How do you like to unwind?

Being kind and munching on Donar meat and chicken and chips!

What’s your favourite quote?

Sometimes patience and silence is better than expressing how you really feel.

If you were going to be turned into an animal, what would you be?

I like to be a bird because flying to other countries for free sounds amazing!

If you had to swap places with anybody at Innermedia for 24 hours, who would it be and why?

I would swap places with Brogan because I’d like to go away aboard as much as she does 🙂

What inspires you?

The future that I want for my family.

Any parting words?

Assalaamu Alaikum (May Peace be Upon You)

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