Charles Shephard
Helpdesk, email fixer, SLA writer… Charles does a lot. In short, if there’s a problem it’s pretty likely that Charles will be the man fixing it.
What do you bring to Innermedia?
My excellent customer service skills.
What’s your favourite thing about working at Innermedia?
The team we have built.
What do you do when you’re not at work?
Play computer games, watch movies, go out with my friends.
What’s your favourite Innermedia moment?
Any of the times we have been out as a group for a party.
What’s your favourite film/book/album/song?
It’s a bit hard to narrow down as there is just so many choices:
For film I’m a big fan of Sci-Fi.
For book I would say Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett, or any number of his other books.
What’s something we don’t know about you?
I have a large amount of knowledge of building and gardening from working on building sites with my Dad as a child.
What did you do before coming to Innermedia?
Sales Assistant at GAME (Video Games Retailer).
What’s your favourite quote?
You can get more with kind words and a two by four, than you can get with just kind words.
How do you like to unwind?
I go to a couple of different Live Roleplay systems where you camp out for a weekend, see friends and slay monsters, good fun all round.
If you were going to be turned into an animal, what would you be?
Either a German Shepherd or house cat.
If you had to swap places with anybody at Innermedia for 24 hours, who would it be and why?
I would probably swap with Valeria as she seems to have a much more relaxed and fun life than I do.
What inspires you?
Inspiration is a funny thing, you don’t really know it ’til it hits you.
Any parting words?
Have you tried turning it off and on again?